Anne Russey Counseling is based in Katy, Texas 77494.
Anne Russey provides virtual therapy to clients located within the state of Texas at the time of service. As of Spring, 2023, Anne offers limited in person appointments too.
Appointments are required for counseling in Katy, Texas. Walk ins are not accepted. If you’d like to set up a consultation or an initial appointment please e-mail me or schedule an appointment here. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please seek emergency care at your nearest emergency room, or contact the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 9-8-8.
Virtual Tour of my Katy, Texas counseling office.
Anne Russey Counseling is located at 25722 Kingsland Blvd. Suite 103-C 77494. The Silver Arc Atrium office building is on Kingsland Blvd. near the intersection of Pin Oak and Kingsland, just south of I-10. Some of the closest landmarks are Katy Mills Mall, the Nelson Road HEB and the Katy Main Street YMCA.
There is ample free general and handicap accessible parking, directly outside the entrance doors. Once you turn into the parking lot you can park in the back of the building, near the covered walk through door.
When you arrive
Please text me at 281-607-4443 to let me know you have arrived. You can wait in your car, or inside the hallway just inside the walk through door. I will come out to greet you and bring you back to the therapy room at the time of our appointment.