Today marks 4 years since the Orlando nightclub shooting.
3 years ago I shared this post on Instagram reflecting on the anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub shooting.

Image credit: Anne Russey
This was one year after the massacre at an Orlando, Florida nightclub where a man armed with two semiautomatic weapons gunned down 102 LGBTQ+ people and their friends, killing 49 of them. The majority of the individuals shot were young Latinx people of color. Some of the victims families learned of their loved one’s sexual orientation or trans identity only when they received the call to notify them of their loved ones death. One son was tragically rejected by his family even in death. His father rejected him by refusing to accept and claim the body of his adult son because he was gay.
I will no longer assume that only people in some abstract position of power can solve the problems of homophobia, transphobia, racism, misogyny and gun violence. Too little has changed in 4 years, and in many ways feels worse than ever before for people on the receiving end of these forms of bigotry, ignorance and violence.
These are our problems to solve.
White people, cisgender people, heterosexual people: these are our problems to solve. Anyone who claims to deeply care about ALL people- it’s time to show up and engage in solving these problems. If you proclaim your Creator calls you to love all people who are created in God’s image, it’s past time for you to show up and put action behind your convictions. We cannot overcome oppression and injustice without you.
If you get hung up on Christian theology, then look for organizations who support Christians in reconciling affirming and inclusive views of sexuality and gender identity with scripture. The Reformation Project is one example. The work is hard, but the fruit is good. God’s garden is flourishing in churches and communities who fully affirm, accept and embrace LGBTQ+ Christians. Do the work to get to the fruit. Please.
Let’s get to work.
It’s time to stop hiding behind fears about our own inadequacies. We need to examine and dismantle our beliefs that these are someone else’s problems to solve. Christians need to do the work to debunk theology that upholds oppression of any of God’s children. It’s past time to get to work.
I will not tolerate hateful comments or anyone who attempts to engage in debate on my page. Humanity and inherent worthiness of each and every human being on this earth is not debatable.
I commit to listening, learning and acting to overcome these problems in my lifetime. Will you join me?
About Anne Russey Counseling
Anne Russey Counseling provides LGBTQ+ affirming therapy for adults in Texas. Anne Russey Counseling is based near Houston, Texas in the suburb of Katy. In addition to LGBT counseling, Anne Russey provides counseling for moms, postpartum anxiety treatment, postpartum depression treatment and counseling for anxiety in Katy, Texas and online.
Find additional LGBTQ+ Support Resources here.